Opening of two Stations of Remembrance in Hernals

On Thursday 20.4.2023, 16:00 we will meet with the relatives and the initiators for the opening of two “Stones of Remembrance”. There are many participants, especially many young people – pupils of a class of the Parhamergymnasium.

The Parhamerplatz is the invitingly designed square in front of the Parhamergymnasium, which is significantly involved in the opening today. Initiated by Uta Lang with the headmaster of the grammar school Mag. Bernd Vogel and Mag. Tippl, who took part in the opening with his class.

The pharmacy on Parhamerplatz is also participating and commemorates Ignaz Grossberg, who owned the pharmacy until 1938 and managed to escape to Palestine.

Ms Hammer leads through the afternoon and introduces the association and those involved.



On behalf of the district, the chairperson of the cultural commission, Ms Elisabeth Mössmer-Cattalini, speaks about the importance of commemoration.





Parhamer  Platz 6:

We commemorate Victor Drabs and Anna and Friedrich Monaths.Born on 27 December 1870 in Slovakia, the owner of the house, 72-year-old Anna and her 75-year-old husband Friedrich were deported from Zilina to Sobibor in June 1942 and murdered.



Mrs Uta Lang tells about the creation of this “Stone of Remembrance”.

Pupils of the Gymnasium read a letter they had written to Anna Morath and a poem.



The opening of this stone ends with the prayer of Chief Rabbi Jaron Engelmayer.



Hernalser Hauptstraße 11:

We commemorate Camilla Monath.

Eyal Nadir (great-grandson of Camilla Monath), his wife Morin and his parents Edi Nadir and Gila Gelkopf came from Israel.