Solemn Inauguration of one Station for Hermann Szamuel and the jiddisch Inhabitants of Floridsdorf, 2013-II-5th


The festive opening ceremony at Hossplatz took place in the presence of Hermann Szamuel’s relatives (his daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren), the members of the District Council as well as many Floridsdorf residents.


Acting District Representative Ms Fitzbauer spoke of the importance to come together to remember; that those who forget the past are blind. Another District Representative, Mr. Lehner, recounted how important and meaningful this ceremony was for him personally as his parents had Jewish friends who had recounted much about their family histories.

Elisabeth Ben David Hindler thanked District Councilor, Gerhard Jordan, for his extensive research and support.

Hermann Szamuel’s granddaughter, Mrs Elisabeth Duschet, spoke about the fate of her grandfather and his family. His two great-grandchildren emphasized how important it was for them and their families to finally have a place of remembrance for their great-grandfather.

Shmuel Barzilai, closed the ceremony cantor of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, sang the Jewish funeral song.

