Ceremonial opening of five Stations of Remembrance in the 1st district on 12 October 2023

As an introduction to today’s presentation of new “Stones of Remembrance”, we listen to the group Avanim with the song – Hab ich gehat a Keuach.

In Rudolfspark, Mrs Roswitha Hammer introduces the afternoon with information about the association. Her sadness makes it difficult to open this otherwise cheerful celebration.
Due to the current political events, more than a dozen police officers accompany us throughout the afternoon.

Deputy District Councillor Mrs David also addressed a few words to all those present.
About 50 participants accompany us on our way.


Heinrichsrasse 4:



This stone is for Malvine Weil, née Löbl, Lilly Weil and Marianne Reichart.




Catherine Markstein initiated this stone for her great-aunt and her daughters. Catherine therefore travelled to Vienna with family and friends.

Mr Peter Ostrizek has thankfully taken over the sponsorship for Paul Birnbaum.


Hohenstauffengasse 7:







Mr Antony Grenville has come to Vienna with his family. He explains how the name change from Grünfeld to Grenville came about. He only learnt about his Jewish roots and his parents’ escape to London at a late stage. After years of research, also with the help of Mrs Veronika Zwerger from the exile library of the Literaturhaus Wien, we were able to see the stone being laid today.


Freyung 6:




This stone is for Elisabeth and Luise Lazar.



Luise and Elisabeth had six siblings. We learn a lot about these siblings, they were all very lucky to have been spared from the Holocaust, but there is hardly anything known about Luise and Elisabeth, except that they were deported to Maly Trostinec in 1942 and murdered there.Ceremonial opening of five Stations of Remembrance in the 1st district on 12 October 2023Ceremonial opening of five Stations of Remembrance in the 1st district on 12 October 2023


Kohlmarkt 5



This stone is for Julie Doctor, née Weinberger, Franzweinberger and Dr Alexander Weinberger.



It was initiated by Mrs Nikoline Stadlmann, who unfortunately cannot be here today.

The stone for Ernst Neumann was initiated by the Stones of Remembrance Association.


Bösendorferstrasse 5:




This stone is for Leopoldine Cammerloher, née Löwy.




Initiated by Mrs Doris Schneider-Wagenbichler, this stone was placed in memory of the wife of her great-uncle.

The Watts family are relatives of Leopoldine Cammerloher’s husband. They also commemorate Leopoldine

The Watts family are relatives of Leopoldine Cammerloher’s husband. They also commemorate Leopoldine.