Inauguration in Alsergrund on June 30, 2013
The solemn inauguration of nine Stations in Alsergrund took place in the first courtyard of the former AKH (Allgemeines Krankenhaus). Participating in the event were relatives, the Head of District and numerous volunteer assistants and interested persons. Ernst Fitzka acted as the guide throughout the ceremony, as he had done in other inaugurations. The Avanim trio, Daliah Hindler, Christof Kogler and Josch Korn, provided a very touching and professional musical embellishment.
Head of District Ms. Martina Malyar welcomed everybody cordially, and expressed warm thanks to Elisabeth Ben David Hindler and the Association. She emphasized that she would fight against racism, fascism and anti-Semitism each and every moment. Elisabeth Ben David Hindler also offered a warm welcome to everybody present, outlined the work of the Association, and said that it was in the spirit of all those we place the Stones for to look to the future with confidence.
Margit Fischer thanked the Association and drew attention to the fact that the Nazi regime had intended to obliterate memories of people (Roma people, Jews, homosexuals….) with the result that many victims were not named. Our commemoration also pertained to all those whose names do not appear anywhere, she said.
Kate Horwitz (great-granddaughter) spoke in the name of the Meyerstein-Schlesinger and Horwitz families, who had come to Vienna from the entire world. She pointed out that the Nazis did not succeed in annihilating the families, which live today scattered all over the world.
Alec Spencer from Scotland spoke about the importance of the Stones to his family, and to the younger generation in particular. Peter Fleischl from New Zealand told us, among others, that his family now counted about 100 descendants.
Subsequently, we all visited the individual Stations. Once again, we could feel the very strong emotional link between all those present, resulting from the joint visit of the Stations and the deeply personal speeches.
Alserstraße 16: The Meyerstein-Schlesinger and Horwitz families from Australia, the Dominican Republic, the USA and England commemorating their grandfather and great-grandfather.
Alserstraße 28: Margit Fischer and her family had the Stones set for her grandmother and her sister, for an aunt and an uncle.
Mariannengasse 23: The März and Bleier families inaugurating the Stone for their great uncle.
Mariannengasse 15: Shoshana Duizend-Jensen and her relatives commemorating her great aunt and great uncle.
Schwarzspanierstraße 15: Frankie Blei was unable to come from Australia. But she was with us in the commemoration of her great aunt.
Türkenstraße 15: Alec Spencer from Scotland and his cousin Eli Leyton from England came with their families to commemorate their grandparents.
Türkenstraße 21: Peter Fleischl and his daughter Tochter Susan came frome New Zealand and his cousin James Berdach from the Philippines to commemorate their grandpatents.