Inauguration October 2017

Festive Inauguration of the 11th Part of the Path of Remembrance through Leopoldstadt (Second District) on Sunday October 29, 2017.

Held in the District Offices at Max Winter Platz, the ceremony opened with three songs by the Avanim Ensemble. Around 40 people were in attendance, including relatives, District Representatives, inhabitants of the 2nd district, friends of the Association and other interested Viennese.

District Head, Ursula Lichtenegger, then made opening remarks. As an active supporter the Stones of Remebrance Association since its inception, Frau Lichtenegger expressed her deep satisfaction at representing the 2nd District at this ceremony. She emphasised how the Stones of Remembrance have had an enduring effect Leopoldstadt, “making people pause and be aware… that we must never forget, especially in precarious times like ours…”

Matthias Beier hosted the ceremony, pointing out that more than 400 Stones of Remebrance have already been laid in Vienna, over half of which were situated in Leopoldstadt. “With the help of the Stones of Remebrance,” he said, “each victim is able to make a symbolic return and have a central place in our lives.” He gave an especially warm welcome to all relatives and their families who were present, and thanked those who had provided their support for the ceremony: Peter Mlczoch for assistance in planning and organization, Jarmila Böhm for layout of the brochure and Rudi Forster for its editing.

Avanim ended the opening ceremony with another song: “Oseh Shalom”.

Ninety-three year-old David Tauber, who later opened the Stone at Springergasse, asked for the floor and recounted how he had grown up very near by before having to leave Vienna in 1938. He apologized for his rusty German but translated a speech written in Hebrew by his grandson.
The opening of the new Stones then began. Due to stormy weather conditions, the ceremonies for the first two stations were held inside the District Offices where speeches were made.

Ybbsstraße 4:


Anna Rosen from the USA began by thanking the association for giving her the opportunity to set up a memorial for her grandparents, Isak Aron und Anna Rosen. She said this was something that would have pleased her father greatly. He had been forced to leave Vienna at 14 years old. She opened the stone together with her daughter.

Ybbsstraße 6


Daliah Hindler spoke on behalf Erich Lamet (USA) who wanted to commemorate his grandmother Hudel Brandwein and Aunt Taube Schif, but was unable to attend due to his advanced age. Through Erich Lamet’s intervention, an additional name was added to the original list of names planned for the Stone. The plaque was initiated by building residents, Agnes and Dietmar Larcher.

Paffrathgasse 5


Gloria Dobbin and her family from England commemorated their grandparents Josefine and Dr. Max Höfer.

Böcklinstraße 110


Daliah Hindler read out a text on behalf of Sabine Steinweg from Germany. Sabine Steinweg initiated the stone for Ernst Buxbaum, whose family had lived with her grandmother.

Ferdinandstraße 11


Stephanie Hewitt and her family from England and France commemorated their grandmother, Stefanie Telheim, and great-grandmother, Sali Rosa Korolanyi.

Sponsorship for another resident, Gertrud Weingarten, was provided by Sarah Wolf.

Ferdinandstraße 17


Cyril Crosset and his family from Belgium, and Gershon Gunsberger from Australia, commemorated their family member Wilhelm Schindler.

Sponsorship for Martha Spitzer and Salomon Kohn was provided by Maria Lang.

Ferdinandstraße 19


Vinzenz and Friederike Benedikt from Vienna initiated the Stone for Friederike Benedikt. The couple decided to initiate a Stone when, during the course of their marriage, they researched the name ‘Friederike Benedikt’ and discovered a Holocaust victim with the same name.

Springergasse 5 


Ran Izraeli from Israel initiated the Stone for three relatives of his grandfather and great-uncle:  David Tauber. The Stone commemorates his sister Ilonka Tauber, and their parents: Samuel and Karolina Tauber.

David Tauber said the Kaddish (funeral prayer).